No. 28 Ethereal Essence I
Pharmacy order number (PZN)
50 ml (N1) | PZN 0353997 |
100 ml (N2) | PZN 0354005 |
Bedarfsgegenstand zur Raumluftverbesserung
Produced at the Laboratory SOLUNA
Original medicinal formulation following Alexander von Bernus — since 1921
Spagyric mixture of essential oils:
- Citronellae aeth.
- Origani aeth.
- Piceae aeth.
- Rosmarini aeth. in lini sulf. oelum
- Lavendulae aeth.
- Rosmarini aeth.
- Verbenae aeth.
Formulation components from the Laboratory SOLUNA
Nr.28 Ethereal Essence I mix
Rosmarini aeth. in lini sulf. oelum